Kaliman Caribe offers Locker service


The locker service is available in Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia, La Casa del Habano Intercontinental, Premium Cigars&Tobacco Paradise Center and Premium Cigars&Tobacco Plovidv center. The service is for all registerd clients  who want to keep their habanos under in professional manner under the best conditions and care.

In the walk-in-humidors there are fully equipped lockers with limited quantity available.

The service is personal and it is provided only for cigars bought from the boutique in the moment of leaving them at the Locker.

The professional teams would cooperate to keep the chosen habanos under the international standards and constant quality control.

More about locker service you can find here: https://kalimancaribe.com/bg/?subcats=Y&pcode_from_q=Y&pshort=Y&pfull=Y&pname=Y&pkeywords=Y&search_performed=Y&q=%D0%BB%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B8&dispatch=products.search&security_hash=603fa93de301ee4fb11a4af4f2b5abe8


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See you soon then =))
