At the end of 2019, VegaFina presented its latest premium line of cigars, VegaFina 1998. Its name is a reference to the year of the brand's creation, and carefully selected tobacco leaves aged for a minimum of 3 years are used for the production. The delicate process is entrusted to the Grupo de Maestros of Tabacalera de García, the largest cigar factory in the Dominican Republic, located in the town of La Romana. "In a sense, we have been working on this cigar for more than 20 years," explains Pedro Ventura, a member of Grupo de Maestros. characteristics for VegaFina 1998. We are very proud of the result.” VegaFina 1998 are handmade premium cigars with a unique blend, for which only tobaccos born from their own tobacco fields are used in five regions: Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Colombia, Indonesia and Ecuador. The additional fermentation process gives the cigar an extremely balanced character that is easily recognizable by its rich and complex aroma and taste. Initially, the line started with three popular vitolas, whose names are associated with the size of their rings: VF 50, VF 52 and VF 54, gradually being supplemented. The latest additions are the VF44S - the smallest vitola in the line and the VF42L - born as a limited vintage edition, but deservedly becoming part of the standard portfolio of the brand.
2023 marks the 25th anniversary of VegaFina. To celebrate this achievement, the brand has created the limited VegaFina 1998 25 Aniversario Cum Laude cigar as part of its most premium line. The unique Torro Extra vitola was chosen – a size that has not been used in any VegaFina cigar before. The blend is centered on Dominican piloto corona tobacco leaves, which are harvested only in harvests where the combination of sun and rain has been perfect. This type is found in the upper part of the tobacco plant in the form of two small leaves, which, thanks to their greater proximity to the sun's rays, retain a much higher concentration of natural oils. This helps to achieve organoleptic /stimulating human senses/ characteristics, distinguished by greater strength and intensity of taste. This limited-edition, deservedly dubbed 'excellent', is limited to 5,000 individually numbered humidor boxes, each equipped with a hygrometer and humidifier and combining the iconic colors of the line - black and ivory.
Tasting card:
• Roof leaf: dark brown color, shiny and silky, almost veinless
• Aroma: leather, more floral, grassy and pleasant aromas of toasted black bread. At the end more leather, herbs, minerals and earth
• Taste: nutty sweetness with a pleasant spiciness, creamy cream and cedar wood
• Strength: medium
• Suction: excellent
• Combustion: uniform and homogeneous
• Ash: light gray to white