
The XXth Habanos Festival Showed the best of Habanos in 2018 15.03.2018 The XXth Habanos Festival Showed the best of Habanos in 2018 In 2017 Habanos s.a. reported 12% growth in sales There are 144 Casa del Habano boutiques worldwide and 5 of them Kaliman Caribe manages within Bulgaria, Armenia and Albania; as well as 14... Kaliman Caribe officially opened Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia under the license of Habanos S.A. 21.12.2017 Kaliman Caribe officially opened Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia under the license of Habanos S.A. A refined cocktail marked the opening of Cohiba Atmosphere Sofia in the heart of the capital. Among the guests of the event was Ambassador of Cuba in Bulgaria, Ambassador of Armenia and José Maria... Quai D'Orsay with a debut launching in Bulgaria - from Havana to France... and around the world 08.12.2017 Quai D'Orsay with a debut launching in Bulgaria - from Havana to France... and around the world "Kaliman Caribe" – the exclusive distributor of Cuban hand made cigars under the brand of Habanos s.a, presented for the first time in Bulgaria, the brand Quai Dorsay on the traditional annual... La Casa del Habano and Premium Cigars&Tobacco consultants successfully passed the Habanos Academy Junior 12.05.2017 La Casa del Habano and Premium Cigars&Tobacco consultants successfully passed the Habanos Academy Junior Kaliman Caribe held in-house training within the educational program Habanos Academy. The students have consolidated their knowledge of the origin and the culture of the Habanos cigars and... Kaliman Caribe is proud with its new Logistics Hub in Sofia 08.05.2017 Kaliman Caribe is proud with its new Logistics Hub in Sofia On an area of more than 6000 sq.m with office parts and warehouses, the new Logistics Hub Kaliman stores the products from the activities of the Group companies under one hat. The... „Калиман Карибе“ събра 11 държави на международна маркетинг среща за обоготяване и популяризиране на Habanos културaта в региона 02.12.2016 „Калиман Карибе“ събра 11 държави на международна маркетинг среща за обоготяване и популяризиране на Habanos културaта в региона На 25 ноември 2016 г. в хотел Радисън Блу София се проведе международна маркетинг среща по инициатива и покана на „Калиман Карибе“. Идеята на срещата беше обмен на опит сред партньорите на...
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