Sofia elite gathered at the Lozentes Residence to attend a fashionable party organized by Kaliman Caribe, an exclusive distributor of Habanos cigars. The topic theme of the party had been the presentation of the ultra-limited Cohiba Behike cigar that is aimed at connoisseurs only, and which has been introduced to Bulgaria’s audience of aficionados for the first time. Habanos Grand Party IV is a traditional event that brings together all tobacco fans and admirers of Cuban spirit and culture. All and every guest enjoyed the limited-edition cigars, and every guest has received a cigar as a gift. The melodious voice of pop star Hilda Kazasyan and the beautiful summer atmosphere of the residence garden created a night to remember.
Special guests of the party included Manuel Garcia, Vice President of Business Affairs at Habanos Corp., and Javier Teres, Vice President of Business Development at Habanos Corp. The Ambassador of Spain, His Excellency Jorge Fuentes and the Ambassador of Cuba, His Excellency Jerardo Suarez Alvarez, along with many celebrities have also attended the event. Bulgarian political and business leader have been among the guests of the party as well.