Sancho Panza

Like many other famous Cuban Cigars brands – Romeo Y Julieta Cigars and Montecristo Cigars, Sancho Panza commemorates a historical piece of literary work. In this case, the brand is named after the rustic square fictional character in Don Quixote, written by the great Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes in 1605. The products even feature a literary reference on the decorated cigar box, as to pay tribute to the literary masterpiece of the famous author.

Completely handmade from long-filler Cuban tobacco sourced from the first class fields of Vuelta Abajo, the Cuban Sancho Panza is famous for its larger sized cigars, like the popular Sancho Panza Belicosos Cigar.

 With 140 mm length and a 52 ring gauge, the Belicosos cigar is a great example of the exceptional large sized puros that Sancho Panza produces. Shorter in length but equally excellent in quality the cigar  is perfect for every day-time smoker. Medium bodied strength and a smoke full of creamy yet intense aromas, this cigar is crafted from the high quality leafs from the Vuelta Abajo fields.

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