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66,00 BGN
Cohiba, Perla , 102 mm, 40 ring, Light, 50 min
The smallest Cohiba is considered to be a prelude to Cohiba Esplendidos, in spite of being chronologically the second Siglo in order after Siglo V. The...

2 575,00 BGN
Cohiba, Corona Grande, 155 mm, 42 ring, Medium, 60 min, Waiting list
This is one of “sweetest” representative of Cohiba. That is the reason why the perfect combinations in regards to this vitola is a cup of flavoured...

118,00 BGN
Cohiba, Corona Gorda, 143 mm, 46 ring, Medium, 70 min
Having a very pretty structure, this cigarette follows the rest of formats within the Series of the Centuries line –the wrapping leaf is produced especially...

4 900,00 BGN
Cohiba, Medium, 70 min, Waiting list
Първата Cohiba, презентирана с настоящия златист пръстен. В началото е умерена и елегантна, но впоследствие грабва с изблик от аромати - кафе, какао, пипер...

4 660,00 BGN
Cohiba, Laguito N5, 144 mm, 54 ring, Full, 100 min, Waiting list
Линия „Behike“ на Cohiba бе представена в средата на 2010 г. Оттогава целият свят говори за Behike. Изработена е от изключителния лист “medio tiempo” -...

3 680,00 BGN
Cohiba, Laguito N4, 119 mm, 52 ring, Full, 90 min, Waiting list
Cohiba’s Behike line has been introduced in the mid-2010. Since then, the whole world has been talking about Behike. It is made of the incredible “medio...
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