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5 725,00 BGN
Cohiba, Churchill (Julieta N2), 178 mm, 47 ring, Medium, 90 min, Waiting list
The classic of Cohiba. It is the most favoured cigar among the heads of states in the history. A noticeable vitola combining the entire tradition in the...

125,00 BGN
Cohiba, Petit Robusto, 102 mm, 52 ring, Medium, 70 min
The Cohiba Medio Siglo is the new addition to Linea Siglo in a new format that matches current trends. Presented for the first time at the 18th Habanos...

161,00 BGN
Trinidad, Canonazo Especial, 166 mm, 52 ring, Medium, 80 min
Habanos, S.A. continues its strategy of offering new and exclusive productions for its specialised retail channels each year, specifically the network of La...

36,50 BGN
H. Upmann, Bohemios, 134 mm, 51 ring, Medium, 50 min
With the name H.Upmann Connossieur No.2, it complements the Connossieur series of the traditional brand, which was launched in 1844. This Habano is...

550,00 BGN
La Gloria Cubana, Medium, 60 min, Waiting list
Edicion Regional Exclusivo Bulgaria

110,00 BGN
Romeo y Julieta , Triangulares, 135 mm, 56 ring, Medium to full, 60 min
When the Romeo y Julieta brand turned 145 years old, Habanos S.A. announced a special line at the 2020 Habanos Festival to mark the huge anniversary—the...

123,00 BGN
Romeo y Julieta , Hidalgos , 125 mm, 57 ring, Medium to full, 70 min
When the Romeo y Julieta brand turned 145 years old, Habanos S.A. announced a special line at the 2020 Habanos Festival to mark the huge anniversary—the...

126,00 BGN
Romeo y Julieta , Damas , 145 mm, 52 ring, Medium to full, 80 min
When the Romeo y Julieta brand turned 145 years old, Habanos S.A. announced a special line at the 2020 Habanos Festival to mark the huge anniversary—the...

128,00 BGN
Hoyo de Monterrey, Maravillas N4, 145 mm, 55 ring, Light, 50 min
Hoyo de Monterrey owes its origin to the plantation of the same name located in “San Juan y Martínez”, in the heart of the “Vuelta Abajo”...

2 448,00 BGN
H. Upmann, Magnum52, 148 mm, 52 ring, Light to medium, 60 min, Waiting list

74,00 BGN
Juan Lopez, Fortunas , 170 mm, 52 ring, Medium to full, 90 min
La Casa del Habano, както се нарича франчайз мрежата на Habanos S.A., се състои от повече от 150 магазина за тютюневи изделия, специализирани в Habanos по...

10 600,00 BGN
H. Upmann, Radiantes, 180 mm, 56 ring, Medium, 90 min, Waiting list

85,00 BGN
Partagas , Delirios, 167 mm, 45 ring, Full, 60 min

112,00 BGN
Partagas , Hermosos No.2 , 157 mm, 48 ring, Full, 60 min

520,00 BGN
Bolivar, 50 min, Coming Soon, Waiting list
Новата версия на познатата ни Bolivar Gold medal впечатлява с красивата си визия и златни акценти. Горната част на витолата е обвита в позлата и има...

6 600,00 BGN
Partagas , 90 min, Coming Soon, Waiting list
This “Gran Reserva” Cosecha 2015, from Habanos, S.A. pays homage to the vitola of the Serie E that inaugurated for the first time the 54 ring gauge, the...

18 400,00 BGN
Cohiba, Moderna, 175 mm, 56 ring, Full, 110 min, Coming Soon, Waiting list
Habanos, S.A. inspired by the spirit of giving to the most passionate aficionados a new opportunity for enjoyment and pleasure, offers them this Colección...

8 640,00 BGN
Cohiba, Exitosos, 115 mm, 54 ring, Medium to full, 45 min, Waiting list
The Cohiba Siglo de Oro Year of the Rabbit is the latest and most innovative cigar, created on the occasion of Chinese New Year (2023/2024) as well as the...

6 000,00 BGN
Cohiba, Victoria, 150 mm, 57 ring, Medium to full, 85 min, Waiting list
“55 Aniversario” under Cohiba brand is the vitola specially selected by Habanos, S.A. for this 2021 Edición Limitada- Limited Edition- and to conmmemorate...

1 880,00 BGN
Romeo y Julieta , Montesco, 130 mm, 55 ring, Medium, 60 min, Waiting list
A novel, elegant and practical humidor with 20 Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchills (55 ring gauge x 130 mm length ), a which was incorporated to the brand’s...

2 560,00 BGN
Romeo y Julieta , Verona, 148 mm, 55 ring, Medium to full, 90 min
Romeo y Julieta Cupidos е продукт за бутици La Casa del Habano и Habano Specialist. Новата витола ще накара феновете да се влюбят и да искат да се насладят...

55 000,00 BGN
Montecristo, Preciosos, 145 mm, 50 ring, Medium, 75 min, Waiting list
The exclusive Montecristo L’Esprit Le Crepuscule humidor showcases its elegance in polished black, while the lid captivates with its vibrant warm colors...

2 100,00 BGN
Quaidorsay, Julieta N2, 178 mm, 47 ring, Light to medium, 55 min, Waiting list
Nestled within the esteemed lineage of Cuban cigars, the Quai D'Orsay Imperiales reemerge, offering aficionados a glimpse into a storied past with a modern...

600 000,00 BGN
Trinidad, 50 Aniversario, 155 mm, 59 ring, Medium, 70 min, Waiting list
  If you are interested in purchasing Trinidad 50 Aniversario, please send an inquiry to  ...
Out of stock

3 680,00 BGN
Cohiba, Laguito N4, 119 mm, 52 ring, Full, 90 min, Waiting list
Cohiba’s Behike line has been introduced in the mid-2010. Since then, the whole world has been talking about Behike. It is made of the incredible “medio...

4 660,00 BGN
Cohiba, Laguito N5, 144 mm, 54 ring, Full, 100 min, Waiting list
Линия „Behike“ на Cohiba бе представена в средата на 2010 г. Оттогава целият свят говори за Behike. Изработена е от изключителния лист “medio tiempo” -...

2 230,00 BGN
Cohiba, Piramides Extra, 160 mm, 54 ring, Medium to full, 80 min, Waiting list
Cohiba is a ritual word, both over 520 years ago, and today. Medium to strong intensity of its taste. Cohiba Piramides Extra has all the characteristics of...

18 240,00 BGN
Trinidad, Sobresalientes No. 2 , 185 mm, 53 ring, Medium, Waiting list
The Trinidad Casilda Colección Habanos 2019 Book is the latest addition to the successful book series known as Colección Habanos. For this...

42,00 BGN
Romeo y Julieta , Gordito, 141 mm, 50 ring, Medium, 70 min

1 900,00 BGN
Cohiba, Secreto, 110 mm, 40 ring, Medium to full, 50 min
Ако приемем за вярна тезата, че тайната е в малките неща, то определено Secreto на актуалната линия Мадуро 5 е малка пура, която крие много тайни и енигматика.

3 900,00 BGN
Cohiba, Magico, 115 mm, 52 ring, Full, 60 min, Waiting list
A Habano, claiming to uncover the best qualities of a Robusta aged for five years, but in a shorter version. A cigar that hides inside something that...

38,50 BGN
H. Upmann, Edmundo, 135 mm, 52 ring, Light to medium, 70 min
Royal Robusto or Royal Robusta comes to enrich the family of "Only Casa del Habano" collection. The format is Edmundo, which guarantees the best taste of...

42,00 BGN
H. Upmann, Genios, 140 mm, 52 ring, Light to medium, 70 min
H.Upmann is one of the most historic Habanos* brands, founded in Havana in 1844. The brand is a fine example of elegant light to medium flavored...

46,00 BGN
H. Upmann, Geniales, 150 mm, 54 ring, Light to medium, 80 min
H. Upmann Connossieur B (54 x 150 mm). With its Vitola de Galera Geniales, Connossieur B is following in the footsteps of H. Upmann Connossieur A (52 x 140...

38,00 BGN
Hoyo de Monterrey, Magicos, 115 mm, 52 ring
Hoyo de Monterrey is one of the most historic Habanos brands. Hoyo de Monterrey owes its origin to the town of San Juan y Martinez, which lies at the...

50,00 BGN
Hoyo de Monterrey, Paco, 180 mm, 49 ring, Light to medium, 60 min
Hoyo de Monterrey Escogidos (49 ring gauge x 180 mm length) with the vitola Paco is distinguished by an elegant profile of construction, a smooth cover...

30,00 BGN
Ramon Allones, Corona Gordas , 143 mm, 46 ring
Специални издания, предназначени единствено за най-луксозния франчайз за пури в света. La Casa del Habano означава лукс, лидерство и иновативност в...

4 900,00 BGN
Cohiba, Medium, 70 min, Waiting list
Първата Cohiba, презентирана с настоящия златист пръстен. В началото е умерена и елегантна, но впоследствие грабва с изблик от аромати - кафе, какао, пипер...

33,00 BGN
San Cristobal, Petit Piramide, 127 mm, 50 ring, Medium, 70 min
At the XX Habanos Festival in Havana Cuba, Habanos S.A. launched the San Cristóbal de La Habana Prado. It is an exclusive vitola of the San Cristóbal de La...

1 550,00 BGN
H. Upmann, Julieta N2, 178 mm, 47 ring, Medium, 90 min, Waiting list
This remarkable Churchill, featuring a cabinet box of cedar, can be found only in the collections of a few extremely devoted fans. Although it is the second...
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